Sunday, June 16, 2024

Tutum Consulting backs the East Midlands Bricks Awards 2024: a “fantastic” way to connect, celebrate and promote achievements

Tutum Consulting have joined the sponsor line up for the East Midlands Bricks Awards 2024, backing the Deal of the Year category.

An independent Transport and Highways Consultancy, Tutum Consulting are committed to providing an end-to-end service, supporting clients with all aspects of transport planning. However big or small the project, they can support you from the early stages of planning, right through the planning process and completion. The services Tutum Consulting can support you with include: Road Safety Audits/Collision Investigation and Risk Assessment, Transport and Travel Planning, Highway Design and Technical Support, Construction Traffic/Environmental Management plans, and Feasibility studies for land developers.

By using their personalised approach and unrivalled industry experience, Tutum Consulting deliver safe and efficient solutions for those looking to realise development opportunities.

Sharing why Tutum Consulting decided to sponsor Deal of the Year at the East Midlands Bricks Awards 2024, director, Simon Prescott, said: “Sponsoring the ‘Deal of the Year’ award aligns with Tutum Consulting’s mission to recognise and celebrate exceptional achievements within the industry.

“As an independent, emerging company established during the COVID-19 pandemic, Tutum understands the unique challenges and opportunities that come with navigating a tumultuous economic landscape. By sponsoring this award, Tutum aims to recognise those who have demonstrated remarkable resilience and innovation in these trying times.

“The Deal of the Year category showcases the hard work and impact that can be achieved by colleagues. As a small, independent company, we know the great pride and effort required in achieving these outcomes

“We know firsthand the tremendous effort involved in bringing complex deals to fruition, and we want to acknowledge the teams and individuals who have made significant contributions to their project. By sponsoring this award, we aim to celebrate those who share our dedication to pushing boundaries and driving progress in the construction industry.”

Simon added: “We are looking forward to seeing this year’s entries and learning about the innovative ways in which businesses have worked. The awards show is a fantastic way for colleagues in the industry to not just connect, but celebrate and promote their own services and achievements.

“For Tutum Consulting, this event is an invaluable opportunity to network with landowners, property developers, planners, and architects. We are keen to learn about other services in the East Midlands, identifying opportunities where our expertise can complement and enhance collaborative projects.”

The East Midlands Bricks Awards, which will take place on Thursday 3rd October, at the Trent Bridge Cricket Ground, recognise development projects and people in commercial and public building across the region – from office, industrial and residential, through to community projects such as leisure schemes, schools and public spaces. We also highlight the work of architects, agencies and those behind large schemes.

Winning one of these awards will add considerably to a company’s or individual’s brand and enhance their commercial reach significantly.

To nominate your (or another) business/development for one of our awards, please click on a category link below or visit this page.

Award categories include:

Nominations end Thursday 5th September

Offering advice to entrants of their sponsored category, Deal of the Year, Simon shared: “To create a compelling nomination, focus on what sets your deal apart. Highlight the unique impact and innovative aspects of the project, detailing how it pushed boundaries and achieved significant results. Here are some key elements to emphasise:

  1. Clear Objectives and Vision: Start by outlining the clear objectives and vision behind the deal. Explain the goals you set out to achieve and the strategic thinking involved.
  2. Challenges and Solutions: Describe the challenges faced during the deal’s execution and the innovative solutions implemented to overcome them. Highlight any creative approaches or out-of-the-box thinking that contributed to the deal’s success.
  3. Collaboration and Team Effort: Emphasise the collaboration and teamwork that drove the project. Recognize the contributions of all stakeholders, including partners, clients, and team members, showcasing how their combined efforts led to a successful outcome.
  4. Quantifiable Results: Provide concrete, quantifiable results to demonstrate the impact of the deal. Use metrics such as financial performance, project scale, timelines, and any other relevant data that illustrates the success and significance of the deal.
  5. Broader Impact: Explain the broader impact of the deal on the community, industry, or market. Highlight any long-term benefits, sustainability initiatives, or positive changes resulting from the project.
  6. Supporting Materials: Include supporting materials such as testimonials, visuals, and any other documentation that strengthens your nomination. These materials can provide additional context and evidence of your achievements

“By focusing on these aspects, you can create a compelling and comprehensive nomination that clearly demonstrates why your deal deserves to be recognised as the ‘Deal of the Year.’ Remember, the goal is to tell a compelling story of innovation, collaboration, and success that captures the judges’ attention and showcases the excellence of your project.”

A highlight in the business calendar, winners will be revealed at a glittering awards ceremony on Thursday 3rd October, at the Trent Bridge Cricket Ground – an evening of celebration and networking with property and construction leaders from across the region.

Tickets can be booked for the 2024 awards event here. Connect with local decision makers over nibbles and complimentary drinks while applauding the outstanding companies and projects in our region.

Thanks to our sponsors:





To be held at:

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