An agreement is set to be signed to strengthen ties between Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham Forest Football Club.
Known as a MOU (memorandum of understanding), the agreement sets out how the two organisations can work more closely to further benefit local communities and boost the economy.
Nottingham Forest FC’s ambition to deliver new training and stadium infrastructure, as well as promoting the educational and health benefits of sport, links in with the Council’s priorities to find more ways to support the health and well-being of Nottinghamshire families and residents.
Councillor Ben Bradley MP, Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council, said: “Nottingham Forest FC, like all the great sporting clubs we have in this county, is an important partner for us. The Club brings so much investment potential to the area which helps our infrastructure and economy.
“This agreement is a win-win as it will give us more scope to explore further options to benefit local communities and help with Forest’s ambitions and future plans.”
Nottinghamshire County Councillor Keith Girling, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Asset Management, added: “This is great news as we welcome the chance to work more closely with the Club and the Nottingham Forest Community Trust.
“This includes working collaboratively to identify suitable county council sites that could benefit both the Club and our ongoing commitment to bring more investment and jobs to Nottinghamshire.”
Tom Cartledge, Nottingham Forest Chairman, said: “The recent launch of our new Vision for Sport in Nottinghamshire has brought us closer to colleagues at the County Council. It is therefore excellent that we can now formalise our working relationship with them to explore opportunities for everyone to enjoy the growth of sport across the county.”