Sunday, June 16, 2024

General Election called July 4th

Rishi Sunak has announced a snap election to take place on July 4th.

While rumours had been abound of an election being called sooner rather than later, Rishi Sunak insisted that an election would not take place until the second half of the year – which July 4th falls into by a very small margin.

Following the announcement in the pouring rain, business leaders are already reacting with East Midlands Chamber Chief Executive Scott Knowles saying: “Confirmation that the General Election will be held on 4th July is something we welcome as a politically uncertain environment can hinder planning and decision-making for businesses. Regardless of who is in power, we’re clear in the East Midlands of the policy reform that we need to see to enable business growth.

“For too long our region has been overlooked when it comes to investment, despite the fantastic businesses we have here and our status as a Centre of Trading Excellence – making, moving and innovating the goods and services that make our country tick. Earlier this year we went to Westminster to present our asks directly to the government in our Manifesto for Growth 2024.

“The Manifesto is the direct result of what businesses have been telling us they need from the next UK Government and provides a clear blueprint for the things that would support our growth and success. The document details specific policy asks across four key areas – People and Skills, Infrastructure and Connectivity, Planning, Taxation and Regulation.

“We look forward to continuing our conversations with all of those standing to represent communities in the East Midlands over the coming weeks and ensuring they understand the ways that, if successful, they can support our local businesses to deliver the growth and success that the whole country wants to see.”

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